
Your June 2024 Horoscope Is Here, Kicking Off Summer With Creative Chaos and Good Conversations

Now’s the time to pursue new ventures and hone in on your passions.

There hasn’t been a Gemini season like this one in a long time! Exuberant Jupiter entered the sign of the twins in late May, and the sun, Venus, and Mercury will also link up in the mutable air sign in June. Curiosity, over-caffeinated conversations, and creative chaos reign supreme for your June 2024 monthly horoscope—embrace the craze!

We want to know everything about everything right now, from world events to the latest discovery in physics, all while we mainline the latest hot Hollywood gossip. We’re living in the age of air, and as such, our news feeds could be a bit overwhelming. Tearing yourself away from TikTok or Instagram could be challenging, but with Mars entering Taurus on June 8, we can return to our sensual selves when we need a break.

We’re currently living in the age of air; world events, new scientific discoveries, and cultural conversations are at the forefront.

The first week of June is rife with sextiles, making it an ideal time for embarking on new ventures—both personal and professional. Pay attention on June 4, when a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction and a Venus Cazimi in Gemini occur in tandem, thrusting the cosmos into an enchanted state. First date? Job interview? A weekend away with your besties? If you do between June 4 and June 6, when the new moon in Gemini arrives, it’s likely to feel free, easy, and even idyllic.

Between June 8 and June 20, various planets square each other, creating a challenging conversation between planetary friends and frenemies, making your relationships and career a touch tougher to navigate. It’s as if  everyone wants to get into an argument for reasons that aren’t completely clear, and with so many planets in Gemini, this aggressive energy can amp up your nervous system. Keep your favorite breathing exercises memorized and maintain a cool head.

The sun enters nurturing Cancer at the summer solstice on June 20, allowing us to get back to softer, sweeter basics: Self-care, nourishment, and nurture. The full moon in Capricorn arrives the very next day, reminding us that what we do in the world matters, but we must first listen to our inner self with tenderness in order to be successful in making lasting change. School is officially out for summer, and as Saturn stations retrograde on June 29, it’s a reminder that we can all stand to slow down a bit—by the beach or a pool, preferably!

June 2024 monthly horoscope by zodiac sign

For comprehensive insights into this month’s planetary transits, continue reading to discover the June 2024 monthly horoscope for your zodiac sign. Tip: Check out both your sun sign and your rising sign for a clearer picture of how this month will pan out for you, as the latter determines the arrangement of astrological houses in your birth chart, thereby enhancing the accuracy of your horoscope. (Unsure of what your rising sign is? You can find it out by using a birth chart calculator.)

Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.


aries horoscope slide

Gemini season is your moment to say what’s on your mind, Aries—all of it, no holds barred. Not that you usually keep your opinions to yourself, but with a massive pileup of planets in the sign of the twins during the first few weeks of the month, your third house of communication is lit up like no other time this year.

This makes it possible for you to tell your story, in whatever form that takes—a podcast, a blog post, or maybe even a novel that you’ve been daydreaming about for the last couple of years. Now is also an excellent time for having crucial conversations with loved ones or colleagues, as you’re likely to be articulate and pointed right now.

Set goals to honor your self-expression near the new moon on June 6. If you didn’t quite reach your professional goals these past six months, it’s time to forgive yourself when the full moon touches your status sector on June 21. Let it go, Aries: There is so much success on the near horizon for you.

Career and money:

You can walk your talk flawlessly and flexibly this month. Anything you need to write up or discuss at work is worth doing during the first week of June, especially in the 48-hour window leading up to the new moon in your talking and thinking zone on June 6. If you’re a writer or have ambitions to become one, Jupiter can help get you started on your journey this month. Your job? Put pen to paper.

Love and relationships:

Venus and the sun charmingly collide in your communication zone on June 4, spicing up the new moon with a sweet, flirty vibe. In short, the first part of the month is perfect for setting relationship goals, especially about the way you talk and listen your lover or long-term partner.


taurus horoscope

This June, success starts to slide into your life like a pot of gold at the end of a double-rainbow, Taurus. After planting seeds in your own stars for the last 12 months, Jupiter is now in your money zone.

This bold planet meets up with Mercury on June 4, suggesting that you put your big plans into writing, or at least talk about them; no more tucking those dreams away in a lockbox, Taurus. On the very same day, your planetary ruler Venus joins forces with the sun, amplifying your ability to resource yourself—and possibly indulge in something luxe. The full moon in your travel zone on June 21 could bring some nostalgia about a trip you’ve taken during the last six months, or a deep, emotional, charged longing to get on the road as soon as possible.

Career and money:

Use the new moon on June 6 to set intentions for your next six months of money-making, with extra special blessings from the co-presence of Jupiter in this part of your chart. Write them down in very specific detail for best results!

Love and relationships:

With your ruler, Venus, in chatty Gemini all month and in a hot Cazimi on June 4, you can get your flirt on better now than any other time of the 2024. And after Mars enters your sign on June 9, you’re lit up with lust for the next six weeks. Pursue pleasure and big time sensuality without shame or regret.


gemini horoscope

It’s your time to shine, Gemini! Not only is Jupiter in your sign, but your birthday season is in full effect for the first three weeks of June—time to celebrate!

June 4 through June 6 are stellar days for you, and there’s a big bonus in store if your birthday falls around this time. The Venus Cazimi can bring you love and attention, while Jupiter’s conjunction with your planetary ruler, Mercury, can help you get your message out in whatever medium you prefer—and get you on whatever map you want to be on.

The new moon on June 6 is spectacular for you, no matter when your actual birthday falls. Use this fresh start to set intentions for your next six months of Jupiter-fueled accomplishments—in any arena you can dream up.

Career and money:

Saturn remains in your career zone putting serious emphasis on success—the kind that you’re willing to work slow and hard for. Yet, when your ruler Mercury squares Saturn mid-month, your hike to the top of the mountain (i.e., corner office) might feel like it’s hitting a snag. It’s temporary, though—don’t sweat it. On June 17, Mercury moves into your money zone, slating you for good cash flow.

Love and relationships:

The Venus Cazimi on June 4 might be one of your top three days of your entire year for love, so don’t sleep on it! This cosmic configuration can help you tap into ease, grace, and beauty, and increase your already-amazing flirting skills. If you’re single and searching, erotic attention flows toward you now.


cancer horoscope

June is super dreamy for you, Cancer. For the first three weeks of the month, the stack of planets in your house of secrets might have you craving a yoga or meditation retreat. (Psst: Yes, it’s more than okay to seek out quiet spaces, even if your besties invite you to all-night ragers.) If you’d rather stay in and binge Bridgerton this month, don’t feel a shred of guilt—it’s what your spirit needs.

After Cancer season arrives on the summer solstice, you’ll be so steeped in self-care that you’ll be beyond ready to come out and play. Start celebrating your birthday, stat: Don’t let that reset glow go to waste!

Career and money:

A WFH schedule may be better for you during the first few weeks of the month, as you’re in hermit mode thanks to a plethora of planets in your psyche sector. If you can arrange it, this is the best time of the year for you to plan a staycation. If you can’t make that happen, make sure you’re able to take plenty of breaks; grab at least one long weekend for yourself and have your therapist (or bestie) on speed dial in case you need a pep talk.

Love and relationships:

The full moon lands in your relationship zone on June 21st, reminding you to prioritize your partnerships, giving you space to romantically course-correct—whether you’re single, in a situationship, or in a long-term relationship. If your love life has felt complicated, heavy, or even impossible during the last six months, this is your chance to release that pain and clear the slate for love to bloom anew.


leo horoscope

Your social life is on absolute fire this month, Leo! The planetary presence in your networking zone is jacked up to the max, and the first three weeks of June are meant for being seen and heard—and making new connections wherever you find yourself. Whether it’s for business, pleasure, or a liberal mix of both, you’re busy AF this month.

This is especially the case during the period between the Venus Cazimi on June 4 and the new moon in your eleventh house on June 6. This is a great time for setting intentions about the kind of people you want in your life. After the summer solstice, you might prefer a solo stint for self-care in order to prepare for your birthday season in late July.

Career and money:

Mars charges into your career zone on June 9, powering up your professional passions and amping up your creativity for the next six weeks. If you’ve worried that it wasn’t quite the right time to ask for a raise, send out your resume, or petition your boss for a promotion, fear not—the planets have got your back this time, Leo.

Love and relationships:

With a gorgeous Venus Cazimi in your social zone on June 4, you’re feeling fierce and fabulous. You might end up falling in love with a friend or taking a platonic relationship to the next level in an unexpected way. If you’re in a long-term relationship, tread lightly around June 11, when Mars squares Pluto in your relationship zone. This planetary position could cause a potential standoff.


virgo horoscope

Your professional glow-up starts now, Virgo. With a pile of planets in your status sector this June, you might be a bit obsessed with your next big professional move—and it’s not likely to be lateral.

Your planetary ruler Mercury is conjunct lucky Jupiter on June 4. This is one of the best days of the year to make wishes, plant seeds, and manifest magic. And there’s a Venus Cazimi the very same day, making you sought-after and attractive at work. After Mercury and Venus move into Cancer, and the summer solstice activates your social zone on June 20, you can take a break to meet up with your besties to blow off steam. Let loose and live a little, you’ve earned it!

Career and money:

With a spectacular Venus Cazimi rolling into a powerful new moon in your career zone on June 6, important people at your workplace are noticing all that you do. All of the granular work you’ve been tackling is about to pay off big time. No need to prove yourself—just let the spotlight shine on you for a minute.

Love and relationships:

The full moon alights in your love and pleasure zone on June 21, making it a wonderful day to get in touch with your desires and revel in romance. You might need to let go of some of your most outsized expectations around your relationships, but letting a bit of lightness in could provide the refresh your partnerships need.


libra horoscope

Air signs get to live their best lives this June, so get ready for greatness, Libra! Jupiter slid into your sister constellation Gemini late last month will meet up with Mercury on June 4—the same day that your planetary ruler, Venus, joins with the sun in a Cazimi for the ages.

As such, you might want to get on the road and see the world straight out the gate this month. If travel just isn’t in the cards this month, use the new moon on June 6 to set intentions about where you want to go, what you want to learn, and who you want to do it with. Settle in with family on June 21, when an emotional full moon in Capricorn lands in your domestic zone. Some family time is just what the doctor (er, cosmos) ordered.

Career and money:

Your career is front and center starting on June 17 when Venus enters your status sector followed by the the sun on the summer solstice. While your colleagues may be more interested in taking off early on summer Fridays, you’re just getting started on honing your professional prowess, Libra. Who says you can’t work from beachside chaise?

Love and relationships:

Mars finally leaves your relationship zone on June 9, alleviating any unresolved tension that might have been lingering between you and a long-term partner during the previous six weeks. The passion planet then heads into your house of emotional intimacy and sexuality, deepening your desires and spicing up your sex life.


scorpio horoscope

It’s a major month for your sex life, Scorpio, so get ready to dive deep into the meaning of desire. With a variety of planets gathered in your eighth house of intimacy and transformation, it’ll be hard to avoid intense topics.

But with the sun, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter awakening the depths of your desires, why not take some decisive notes from the underground? The new moon in Gemini on June 6 is perfect for setting intentions about pursuing what you’re most passionate about—and tackling what you’re most afraid of. After the summer solstice, you’ll be ripe and ready to get on the road with the sun and other planets swirling through your travel zone.

Career and money:

Your planetary ruler Mars spends its last stretch in your work zone, marking the first part of June with a potentially heavy stress imprint. Until June 9, you may be so motivated to focus and finish that you forget to breathe, so carve out time for self-care in your calendar, and take a break (yes, even if you have a deadline!).

Love and relationships:

Mars charges into your relationship sector on June 9, firing up your will (and possibly your temper) with lovers and long-term partners. On one hand, if you’ve kept your emotions tucked away they could suddenly burst forth, causing a rift. On the other hand, this can spark some sizzling passion, turning an argument into an excuse for stress-relieving makeup sex.


sagittarius horoscope

Relationships—both personal and professional—are at the white-hot center of your world this month, Sagittarius. With multiple planets in Gemini, including your planetary ruler Jupiter, your other halves are lighting up your life 24/7.

When Mercury comes together with Jupiter in this part of your chart on June 4, you can embark on important conversations about the meaning of partnership or work out longstanding issues with someone you share your life with. A few days later, the new moon will offer an ideal moment to write out intentions for your relationships for the next six months. Want to meet a new partner or get hitched to your current lover? Just ask the universe, Sagittarius.

Career and money:

Motivated Mars slams into your work zone beginning June 9, and will remain there for six weeks. This helps you hunker down and get your most annoying tasks on your to-do list done. It may not be glamorous, but you’re hungry to push through, and that can get you closer to your more meaningful professional goals near June 21, when the full moon in Capricorn lands in your money zone.

Love and relationships:

Not only is passion planet Mars in your love and pleasure zone through June 9, but a gaggle of personal planets are in your one-on-one relationship zone for a big chunk of the month. The Venus Cazimi on June 4 offers an amazingly sweet opportunity to connect deeply to a current lover or find a new one. This is poised to potentially be one of the most romantic days of the year for you.


capricorn horoscope

June could be your busiest month yet in 2024, Capricorn. With planets stacking up in your sixth house of work and everyday ritual, you’ve got a long to-do list at work and at home, but you’re managing to stay on top of it like a boss, because of course you would.

The spectacular Venus Cazimi and Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in this part of your chart makes the first few days of the month extra special.  Use the new moon onJune 6 to set intentions for your work life during the next six months. Venus enters your partnership zone on June 17, followed by the sun on the summer solstice, moving your attention away from the daily grind to your relationships.

The full moon releases in the first degree of your sign on June 21, making this an extremely emotional few days—breathe and let your pent-up feelings flow. You’ve got a relatively rare second full moon in your sign in July, so this summer is all about the process of releasing.

Career and money:

Work is where it’s at this month. With Jupiter expanding your energy and your reach, it shouldn’t feel too overwhelming to get it all done (and then some). But remember that stress can build up to a breaking point if you ignore any early stages of burnout. Take some time between June 8 and June 20 to regroup, as the planetary energy during this time is a bit challenging.

Love and relationships:

Mars turns on the heat in your love zone starting on June 9 and continues to push this libidinous flow for six weeks. If you’ve been too focused on other parts of your life to think much about what turns you on, that could change quite suddenly. And with Venus and the sun in into your relationship zone after the summer solstice, one-to-one romantic partnerships are on your mind during the last leg of the month. You just can’t stop falling in love, Capricorn—even when it’s not practical!


aquarius horoscope

Your romance, pleasure, and creativity zone is lit up with rainbow sparklers this June. This is a month to make love or make art, Aquarius. In regards to whatever else you’ve got planned for the month, remember to have fun while you’re at it.

With a gang of planets in this part of your chart as the month begins, plus a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction and a Venus Cazimi on June 4, you’re not just thinking about romance right now, but rather love as a lived experience. If you have specific requests from the universe on this topic, set intentions near the new moon on June 6, aiming them at the next six months of your life. Things get pretty deep as the full moon lands in your house of dreams and retreat on June 21, making the summer solstice and surrounding days perfect for a little vacay.

Career and money:

Work starts picking up big-time momentum after Venus and Mercury enter your scheduling sector on June 17. This could bring some high-paying assignments for freelance Aquarians, or side hustles if you’ve got a full-time gig. After the sun enters this part of your chart on June 21, you might be in extremely high demand.

Love and relationships:

The honeymoon phase extends through June, even if you’ve been with your partner for years. With a plethora of planets in your sister air sign Gemini, you’re steeped in romance and the getting is good, whether you’re single or involved. This is the time to get back on the dating apps or out on the town if you’re hoping for a connection—whether that’s a hookup or a life-long bond.


pisces horoscope

If you could conduct your entire life from your bed in early June, you would, Pisces. You can thank the mob of planets residing in your home zone right now, making you feel safe, sweet, and secure in your humble abode.

With a Venus Cazimi and a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction on June 4, your domestic sector could feel lovely, abundant, and safe. Family, including chosen family, are your touchstones and good luck charms now. Near the new moon on June 6, you can set intentions about finding a new place to live, attracting awesome roommates, redecorating, or even moving in with your boo. The full moon in your networking sector on June 21 helps you to let go of friendships and group associations that have grown toxic in the last six months—you don’t have to block anyone, necessarily, but allow them fade out without the drama they carry.

Career and money:

WFH is your favored mode this month, Pisces. Mars fires up your money zone through June 9, keeping that cash stash flowing (or at least keeping you busy trying to attract new sources of income). After Venus and the sun head into your creativity zone on June 17 and June 21 respectively, you could have some pretty brilliant entrepreneurial ideas, so be ready to jot them down.

Love and relationships:

After planets begin moving into Cancer on June 17, your love and pleasure zone gets sweeter and sweeter. With gorgeous Venus stationed here for the next few weeks, you’re in for your most romantic phase of the year. Prepare to feel newly besotted, even if you’re with a long-term partner—and if you’re single, you might not have that status for long.

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