
Your March 2024 Horoscope Is Bringing the Drama With the Start of a New Astrological Year

We start the month with transits that cloud our vision, but a fiery shot of Aries energy wakes us up on the spring equinox.

Ah, Pisces season: the time for Tarot pulls, psychic visions, and all manner of mystical meanderings. It often feels like relaxing in a flotation tank—but your monthly horoscope for March 2024 could feel more like white water rafting in a storm. For much of the month, we’re surging through the rapids, unsure of when the next drop will come… or if it will come at all.

As March begins, love and passion planets Venus and Mars are still dancing close together in innovative Aquarius. The “love or lust” question could be LOUD (at least until March 11, when Venus enters dreamy Pisces, bringing only good things for our love lives).

On March 9, you can expect the unexpected: A fiercely independent Mars in Aquarius squares anything-goes Uranus in Taurus, setting off wild sparks. This is just one day before the magical, ethereal new moon in Pisces arrives on March 10, leaving us to idle in our imagination and let our fantasies run wild. This energy, however, is very much flavored by uncertainty.

With both Mercury (on March 9) and the sun (on March 17) merging with elusive Neptune, we might be confused AF and dizzy with indecision.

Meanwhile, with both Mercury (on March 9) and the sun (on March 17) merging with elusive Neptune, we might be confused AF and dizzy with indecision. What does reality even mean?

Just when we need it most, the spring equinox and astrological new year arrives late on the night of March 19, delivering a fresh shot of fiery Aries energy to wake us up from any illusions we’ve harbored. When the full moon (and lunar eclipse!) arrives in Libra on March 25, harmony could be hard to come by, but our best bet is to search for it in beauty. Whether that means taking refuge in an art gallery or a TikTok makeup tutorial, as long as it’s pretty, it should soothe our souls.

March 2024 monthly horoscope for every zodiac sign

To get a deeper understanding of what you can expect from the above astrological transits and others this month, keep reading for your zodiac sign’s March 2024 monthly horoscope. Be sure to check not only your sun sign but your rising sign, too, which can offer a more accurate horoscope, as it sets the order of the astrological houses in your birth chart.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Read your full 2024 horoscope here.


aries horoscope slide

Your planetary ruler Mars is lit up and ready to go early this month, Aries, but at the same time, a profusion of planets in Pisces highlight your 12th house of the inner psyche, urging you to focus on self care. You might find yourself craving extra sleep—take that nap instead of pushing yourself through fatigue. Use the new moon on March 10 to tap into the deepest reaches of your subconscious mind and draw out the creativity that’s hidden there.

After your season officially begins on the spring equinox (when the sun shifts into your sign), the first of two eclipses slams into your seventh house of relationships on March 25. In short, you are feisty AF and are well-advised to tamp down your brashest impulses, especially when it comes to relationships. Instead of a wild outburst, try working things out at the gym (or in bed).

Career and money: 
In the days since the full moon hit your work zone (late in February), you’ve likely found yourself cleaning up a small professional mess. And you’ve gotta admit it—you’re all up in your feelings, so it might be hard to focus, especially near the new moon on March 10. What you have in spades is creativity, so if business feels murky, focus on spilling your guts into your journal, free-writing and brainstorming about your next steps. You may need to wait until after the Mercury retrograde in April to make moves, but it’s all the better to refine your ideas now.

Love and relationships: 
It’s a pivotal month for your partnerships, as the Libra lunar eclipse on March 25 brings one-to-one relationships into focus. This intense lunation could bring a change (or an end) to a significant partnership, but any denouement may feel karmically complete by next fall. This might seem quite dramatic, especially as it lands during the first week of your birthday season, acting as a prelude to the change-bearing eclipse in your own sign next month.


taurus horoscope

Connecting with your community offers exactly the kind of support your sensual soul craves this month, Taurus. With the Pisces sun in your 11th house of friendship and your planetary ruler Venus moving there on March 11, your besties are your balm.

Your social network(s) are also buzzing with potential as the new moon arrives on March 10, and the vibes are great for setting personal or professional goals. It’s not a set-it-and-forget-it situation, however. You’re going to need to follow up a few times, as Mercury starts the month in this part of your chart, too, and once the communication planet enters its pre-retrograde shadow at mid-month, things could get messy. Speaking of messy, the lunar eclipse lands in your sixth house of work on March 25, and it could make you feel hella disorganized—prep in advance.

Career and money: 
Lucrative Venus remains in your career zone until March 11, and passionate Mars is there through March 22, pumping up your professional drive like it hasn’t been pumped in years. Use this energetic boost because as you near the Libra full moon (in your work and wellness zone) on March 25, stress could begin to get in the way of success. Rather than driving yourself too hard, plan to take some self-care days during the final week of March, if possible.

Love and relationships: 
After your planetary ruler Venus shifts into Pisces on March 11, your love life could suddenly feel spectacularly special, Hollywood rom-com style. This might be great… but you also may find yourself needing to dust off some glitter the morning after, wondering if what you’ve experienced is real. Even though the eclipse is incredibly intense on March 25, there are some potentially sweet moments before and after it as Venus sextiles first Jupiter and then Uranus in your sign, creating a kind of love sandwich around the lunation.


gemini horoscope

Your creativity hits a crescendo this month, Gemini, but clarity could be in short supply. With your planetary ruler Mercury in murky Pisces through March 10, then entering its pre-retrograde shadow on March 16, time may not feel linear, but magic is abundant, especially when it comes to career and networking opportunities.

Set professional intentions around the new moon on March 10, giving yourself a window of six months to reach your professional goals. Just know that you may take five steps forward and three back a few times before you get there—but it’s important to stay the course, regardless. The sun saunters into your networking zone on March 19, and it’s all about your besties for the next four weeks. You’ll want to find refuge in friendships come the end of the month as the lunar eclipse on March 25 could throw your love life for a loop.

Career and money: 
With multiple planets dancing through your career house this March, your professional prowess is off the charts, but perhaps only in your imagination. It’s your ideas that matter at the moment, not necessarily your concrete accomplishments. Yes, you can manifest when the new moon lands in your status zone on March 10, but you may want to hang out in a more imaginary realm for a while, focusing on brilliant ideas that can take shape over the next six months.

Love and relationships: 
There is a major wow factor in your chart when it comes to love, especially later in the month. The lunar eclipse in Libra hits your fifth house of romance and pleasure, transforming your entire concept of dating and relating. You may need to let go of old, fixed ideas of what it means to be in a relationship, but making space for new rules of engagement can set you free to love more deeply and authentically.


Feeling the call of the wild, Cancer? A coterie of planets will move through your ninth house of travel and adventure this month, welcoming you into an inviting sea of possibility. Pisces is a fellow water sign, and during this season, you get to gently float and emote without feeling othered. Everyone is up in their feelings—not just you!

The new moon on March 10 is ideal for setting intentions about your next trip; you may want to do some research about a destination you’ve dreamt about but never visited.

After the spring equinox on March 19, energy begins shifting into your career zone. Get your ducks in a row now because there’s an eclipse here next month. Speaking of eclipses, the full moon in Libra on March 25 is a lunar eclipse in the home zone of your chart, so emotions could run higher than usual on the domestic front. Be kind to yourself and anyone that you live with.

Career and money: 
The sun’s shift into Aries on March 19 places it in your career zone, signaling a significant moment for your professional life. Note that any big moves you make now may need to be tweaked in April, when Mercury stations retrograde in the same part of your chart. Major work news is on deck for April, but in the meantime, you may get a sense of what’s to come late this month when Venus offers a sweet sextile to Jupiter and Uranus in your status sector.

Love and relationships: 
After Venus slips into Pisces on March 11, you can be the sappy, ultra-nurturing Cancer you were born to be: Everything is drenched in romance. If you’re single, you might crave the kind of once-in-a-lifetime soul connection that makes you feel like anything is possible. And if you’re in a relationship, a romantic weekend getaway could next-level your love affair (don’t forget to pack the condoms and lube).


leo horoscope

March is a transformational month for you, Leo. A bunch of planets in Pisces put your sex life on a slow burn, and after Venus enters this part of your chart on March 11, you could crave romance and pleasure like oxygen. The new moon on March 10 offers you an opportunity to set empowering intentions about your next six months of intimacy.

Even if you feel a bit muted as March begins, you begin to wake up and feel the fire after the spring equinox on March 19, when your ruling luminary (the sun) moves into your adventure zone. The lunar eclipse in Libra hits your communication house on March 25, so as much as you want to speak your truth, you may want to take a breath before unleashing any harsh words.

Career and money: 
Black Moon Lilith (aka the lunar apogee, or the farthest point in space on the moon’s orbit) has been in the financial sector of your chart since the fall, making you a bit rebellious in money matters. But when Venus and Saturn are conjunct in your house of debt on March 21, you might just feel like it’s time to tighten your belt. Even if you’re coveting something special for your spring wardrobe, consider waiting until it goes on sale. Big (nay, huge) career news could be coming later in April, so you’ll likely be able to afford exactly what you want… and more.

Love and relationships: 
Intimacy, both emotional and sexual, is top of mind this month. Venus lights up your desire as she moves from your relationship zone to your sexuality sector on March 11. Saturn has been in this part of your chart for a year now, surfacing some challenges around trust with partners. This could come up around March 21, but you’re getting the hang of the lesson by now, and you’re able to balance the seriousness of partnership with the essential role of pleasure.


Relationships are your everything this month, Virgo—both the personal and professional kind. With the sun, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn dancing in and out of Pisces, your partners are here to teach you lessons about who you are. You can use the new moon on March 10 to set intentions about what you want from your one-on-one alliances during the next six months.

By mid-month, your planetary ruler Mercury begins its pre-retrograde shadow, so pay attention to anything that comes up that smacks of your past—it could take over your life in April. Starting March 19, with the spring equinox, you also get another preview of what’s to come: The sun sinks its rays into your sexuality sector, kicking off four weeks of hotness to handle.

Career and money: 
With Mars in your work zone through March 22 and Venus there until March 11, you’re motivated to get the job(s) done this month. The passion planet (Mars) provides ample drive, while the love planet (Venus) endows you with the charm you need to get your colleagues or clients to believe in your vision. If you want to launch a professional partnership, set intentions near the March 10 new moon. When the lunar eclipse in Libra hits your money zone on March 25, plan to spend less and save more, and know that your financial habits can change your life.

Love and relationships: 
For you, the new moon on March 10 is screaming: What even is a relationship? And you’ve probably got the answers. If you’re single and searching, why not get really specific about what you want? If you’re in an LTR, you can use this lunation to reimagine and refine your partnership. Your romantic life gets a sweet boost after love-planet Venus enters Pisces on March 11. Date nights and right swipes could be abundant during the next few weeks.


For you, Libra, March is giving the exact opposite of its typical “in like a lion, out like a lamb” vibe. Things start smooth and sweet with Venus and Mars in your creativity zone as the month begins, and Venus sweeping into Pisces on March 11, but the rumbles begin in the third week. The momentous lunar eclipse in your sign arrives on March 25, reflecting a major turning point in your life that hearkens back to goals you set around your last birthday.

This eclipse is especially potent for you if you were born between September 25 and 30, but all Libras will feel the effects. You can use this lunation to release shame, fear, burdens, and anything else that’s been holding you back from being your whole, purposeful, beautiful self.

Career and money: 
After your planetary ruler Venus enters your work and wellness zone on March 11, you’re a busy bee in the best way—even annoying tasks shouldn’t be too taxing. After Mars enters this part of your chart on March 22, however, you might feel so pumped that you go a little overboard in pursuit of your goals, resulting in unnecessary stress. This, coupled with the lunar eclipse, can spell exhaustion during the last week of March; take breaks and pace yourself.

Love and relationships: 
Both Mars and Venus remain in your house of love, romance, and pleasure early this month—take advantage! A past lover could be on your mind (or slide into your DMs) after Mercury enters your relationship zone on March 10 and then enters its pre-retrograde shadow on March 16. If you’re partnered, hints about important developments in your relationship could start dropping in the lead-up to Mercury retrograde in April. After the spring equinox on March 19, the sun lights up your relationship zone for the next four weeks.


A bevy of planets in Pisces means one thing for your March 2024 monthly horoscope, Scorpio: Love is your modus operandi. Once you tap into the endless well of empathy in your fifth house of pleasure, nothing can stop you from attracting what you want. With your planetary ruler Mars charging into this part of your chart on March 22, creativity will be a driving force in your life during the final week of the month (and beyond).

The new moon on March 10 speaks to manifesting romance and projects that bring you joy during the next six months: Set intentions, and use your vision board to bring them to life. The lunar eclipse in Libra on March 25 hits your 12th house of dreams and secrets, which could be a bit unsettling—but know that whatever it brings to consciousness, you can heal it and release it.

Career and money: 
Even though you’re marinating in the magic of Pisces season romance for much of the month, planets will begin to move into your work and wellness zone, starting with Mercury on March 10 and followed by the sun on March 19. This means that a part of you is tethered to the daily reality of getting your stuff done, and you’re thinking through ways to increase your efficiency. Because April could be a bit of a mess in this regard thanks to Mercury retrograde, plan to get yourself super organized early this month, and stick to your schedule as much as possible.

Love and relationships: 
Planets dart in and out of your fifth house of love this month, so no matter your relationship status, pleasure is a main focus. Long-term relationships and marriages could be a bit bumpy as your ruler Mars squares Uranus in your partnership zone on March 9. The new moon on March 10 offers an ideal moment to consider exactly what you want your romantic life to look like—use the window that opens a few days beforehand to play with this evocative energy.


sagittarius horoscope

Communication, coziness, and creativity are a triumvirate of themes for you this month, Sagittarius, as the personal planets move from your third house of communication to your fifth house of pleasure. Mars and Venus are still in your talking and thinking zone as March begins, but after the love planet joins the sun and Mercury in your fourth house of home, all you want to do is hunker down and hurkle-durkle, especially as the new moon arrives on March 10. Set intentions for your ideal living situation around this time.

The sun enters your love zone on March 19, firing up your pursuit of pure pleasure. Yet a few days later, a dramatic lunar eclipse hits your networking zone on March 25, and a friend (or your entire group chat) may really need a dose of your Jupiterian optimism.

Career and money: 
As Mars squares renegade Uranus on March 9, you may need to hold yourself back from verbal self-sabotage at the office. With the passion planet in your communication zone through March 22, your tendency to be brutally honest could backfire. After Mercury enters your creativity zone on March 10, you become even more of a visionary than you are on an average day.

Love and relationships: 
Pisces season encourages you to cuddle and cozy up with a lover, whether you’re cooking, ordering takeout, or just canoodling in bed. But once Aries season begins on March 19, you’re ready to go on the prowl. If you’re single and hoping to hook up, swiping right looks promising after communication-planet Mercury slips into your pleasure zone on March 10 followed by the sun on March 19. Ex-lover(s) might come out of the woodwork early next month, and you could start thinking about them as soon as mid-March.


capricorn horoscope

You’ve got something to say this month, Capricorn, and nothing can stop you from expressing your big-with-a-capital-B ideas. This is not, “Write it down in your journal” energy; this is, “Post or publish about it ASAP” energy. With planets in Pisces, you’re tapped into collective thinking, and you can be the conduit through which concepts are understood.

Writing down your hopes, dreams, and goals for the next six months around the new moon on March 10 also gives you extra manifestation mojo. After the spring equinox on March 19, you may get into a more domestic groove and want to spend time around family, digging into your roots. When Venus conjuncts your planetary ruler Saturn on March 21, you might need to talk or write about any melancholy you’re experiencing.

Career and money: 
Your money-making skills are on point this month, helped along by Venus in your financial zone through March 10 and Mars in the same sector until March 22, giving you a relentless drive to pursue profitable ventures. As the lunar eclipse lands in your career zone on March 25, it ushers in the potential for big changes and bigger success. The next two months are made for seeding the piggy bank of your ideas. Think of yourself as both the venture capitalist and the startup.

Love and relationships: 
You’re so poetic at the moment that telling your crush, lover, or long-term partner how you feel can feel natural and easy—as if language itself is your love language. Whispering sweet nothings, sexting, and even long, romantic emails are all in your wheelhouse with planets (including lovey Venus) cascading through your communication zone. Just note the potential for some confusion on March 17, as the sun and Neptune are conjunct in dreamy Pisces.


aquarius horoscope

Venus and Mars are still on Team Aquarius as the month begins, so tap into the extra love and passion courtesy of the cosmos. Your real raison d’etre during Pisces season is grabbing that cash and making a stash: As the month progresses, planets are stacking up in your money zone, providing you with a multitude of opportunities to level up your finances. When the new moon lands in this part of your chart on March 10, set intentions to stay within your budget during the next six months, so any goodies you get for yourself won’t feel like outsized expenditures.

After the spring equinox on March 19, the sun’s move into Aries highlights your communication zone, making you quite the chatterbox for the next month. As the lunar eclipse hits your spirituality sector on March 25, something could upend a long-held belief of yours. Are you ready to have your mind blown by a brand-new worldview?

Career and money: 
With the sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Saturn all spending time in your money zone this month, your March 2024 monthly horoscope brings a powerful emphasis on finances. The personal planets offer a counterbalance to Saturn and give you a positive boost. Avoid major transactions when the sun is conjunct Neptune on March 17, and don’t be bummed out if you experience financial strain near the Venus-Saturn conjunction on March 22—it should be short-lived.

Love and relationships: 
With Venus and Mars still close together in your sign as the month begins, you’re able to get in those last licks of love, sweetness, and passion before these cosmic consorts move along. What this means is that you’ve still got some extra romantic rizz as the month begins, and you should use it! (Venus stays with you until March 11, and Mars remains in your sign until March 22.)


pisces horoscope

It’s your birthday season, Pisces, and it’s time to be your own muse. Empathy is your superpower, and this month, it’s cranked up to its highest volume. Not only are the sun and Mercury in your sign, but Venus enters Pisces on March 11 followed by Mars on March 22. And yes, Saturn remains in your sign (as it’s been for the past year), but the lessons you’ve been learning from the cosmic taskmaster should finally begin to stick.

When the new moon in your sign arrives on March 10, it feels as if you’ve been given a second chance to make New Year’s resolutions. You can set intentions for whatever you’d like to manifest for the next six months, from the personal to the professional and beyond.

After the spring equinox on March 19, the sun leaves your sign and charges into your money zone. And on March 25, the lunar eclipse hits your eighth house of transformation, asking you to let go of any shame you’ve carried around intimacy of both the emotional and sexual kind.

Career and money: 
All eyes are on you this month, so shining bright like a diamond (just like your sister Pisces Rihanna told you to) should be second nature on the professional stage. Plus, you’re getting big-time help from planets beginning to enter your money zone, starting with Mercury on March 10, followed by the sun on March 19. Do be careful about spending (even if you’ve got eyes on that long sequin blazer for your birthday dinner) because Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow around March 16, and retail regret is a distinct possibility.

Love and relationships: 
It’s a huge month for romance—not just because yours is arguably the most romantic of the zodiac signs, but because love-planet Venus is exalted in your stars and will light up your constellation from March 10 through early April. You may feel head-over-heels about someone when the sun conjuncts your modern-day planetary ruler Neptune on March 17, but you also may want to avoid any commitments because you could soon find out it was all just an illusion. A love hangover is possible when Venus collides with taskmaster Saturn on March 21.

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