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After a turbulent month, the skies are finally set to calm down for your weekly horoscope for August 25 to 31, 2024! The week starts off with the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26, making the time ripe to release a person, idea, or situation in your life.

You’re craving new experiences in your relationships when Venus in Virgo mingles with Uranus in Taurus on August 27. Surprise encounters may take place, or perhaps you’re trying something new with someone new. People may shock you today, but in a good way. Stay open-minded and curious!

The week wraps up with a cosmic blessing on August 29 when Venus enters Libra, one of its favorite zodiac signs. This lends tact, charm, and luck to all your relationships.

Relationships feel a little hazy on August 28, when Venus in Virgo stares down Neptune in Pisces. You could feel like you’re the star in a romance novel, or fixate on paranoid or anxious thoughts regarding a key person in your life. You aren’t seeing the full picture right now, which can make it easier to idealize people or replay anxiety-inducing thoughts. Engage in grounding exercises, and save the important conversations for another day, if possible.

On the same day, Mercury retrograde ends in Leo! (Hallelujah!) The skies begin to readjust and misunderstandings start to clear, but it’s still a process. You could experience a moment of clarity today, but the post-retrograde shadow period and effects will linger until September 11. The week wraps up with a cosmic blessing on August 29 when Venus enters Libra, one of its favorite zodiac signs. This lends tact, charm, and luck to all your relationships, making it a great time to date or to be in love! Follow your heart and spend time nurturing your creative process and ideas over the next few weeks.

Looking for even more cosmic insights? Check out your full August 2024 monthly horoscope, or take a look at your yearly 2024 horoscope

Key astrological events for your weekly horoscope from August 25 to 31, 2024

  • Sunday, August 25: Moon enters Gemini
  • Monday, August 26: Last Quarter Moon in Gemini
  • Tuesday, August 27: Venus in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus
  • Wednesday, August 28: Moon enters Cancer
  • Wednesday, August 28: Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces
  • Wednesday, August 28: Mercury Retrograde in Leo Ends
  • Thursday, August 29: Venus enters Libra
  • Friday, August 30: Moon enters Leo

Weekly horoscope by zodiac sign for August 25 to 31, 2024


aries astrology symbol with graphics of rose and moon on red background

You’re finally feeling like you’re in a groove, Aries, under the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26. A change you made to your daily routine, or a new habit you’ve integrated into your life is finally sticking! You may already start to see the rewards of your efforts.

Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re full of passion and inspiration once again. If you’ve suffered from writer’s block or felt creatively drained, this will begin to clear. You may also choose to pick up an old hobby you used to love in the past. If exes popped up during this retrograde, you’re either ready to give it another go or kick them to the curb once and for all.

Love and connection are on your mind once Venus enters Libra on August 29. The next few weeks bring ease and blessings to your close relationships. Singles could get serious with someone special and couples feel like there is a deeper bond in their relationship. If love isn’t a priority, this can bring more collaborative opportunities or work contracts your way.


taurus astrology symbol with images of tarot cards and a candle on a yellow background

Luck is all around you,Taurus, when Venus in Virgo links up with Uranus in your sign on August 27. People are eager to support you and your personal goals, and today you could make some progress that leaves you feeling assured and motivated. If you’re open to dating, you could also meet someone unexpected; couples might shake things up in the bedroom and get honest about some of their unexplored kinks or desires.

Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, helping to bring ease to a personal situation. The clarity you’ve been hoping for finally shows up, and can assist you in releasing ties to the past, drama, and baggage that’s overstayed its welcome.

Venus, the planet of support, enters Libra on August 29, and you finally feel like there’s more harmony in your day-to-day life. Your burdens and responsibilities feel more manageable, and maybe someone shows up and offers a helping hand when you need it most. Your hard work also starts to gain attention. If you’ve waited for a cosmically aligned time to kick a bad habit, now’s your chance to make that change!


gemini astrology symbol on blue background with plant leaves and marble statue images

It’s the end of an era, Gemini, under the last quarter moon in your sign on August 26. You may process an ending or choose to release the past under these moonbeams. There also may be some sort of change in your living situation or family dynamic. You may also simply be in a nesting and organizing mood, and feel called to do a deep clean and purge of your home.

You’re experiencing an important revelation once Mercury retrograde ends on August 28. This is an aligned moment to speak your mind and share your thoughts and feelings with others. Information you learn can also bring relief or help you better understand an ongoing, frustrating situation. If you’ve felt indecisive about an important decision, today you may know exactly how you want to proceed.

Your focus is on what and who brings you joy once Venus enters Libra on August 29. You may also feel like you’re in the right place and the right time. Luck will be on your side for the next few weeks, leaving you feeling creatively inspired, grateful for the love you have in your life, and eager to have fun.


cancer astrology symbol on light green background with images of the moon and tarot cards

Conversations go your way, Cancer, when Venus in Virgo teams up with Uranus in Taurus on August 27. People are intrigued by your ideas, so if you want to win someone over, use your words. You could also have an exciting new idea that you want to pursue, or maybe you’re spending the day with friends doing something out of the ordinary to shake up your routine.

Money issues finally settle once Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28. If discussions about a raise or promotion have been delayed, things finally clear up. Drama and annoyances with work-related projects also begin to resolve themselves, and you’re starting to feel confident again in your skills.

Your home feels even more recharging than normal once Venus enters Libra on August 29. You may want to host friends over at your place…or maybe not see friends at all in favor for some solo time! If you’ve experienced drama with roommates or family, Venus spells sweet relief.


leo astrology symbol on blue background with images of

Your hard work is paying off, Leo, and maybe it’s also paying your bills when Venus in Virgo links up with Uranus in Taurus on August 27. You could receive a check, payment, or start to discuss a raise or promotion. You may also have a bright idea about a new way to generate income and support yourself.

Mercury retrograde ends in your sign on August 28. You may finally start to feel like yourself again or like your confidence is returning. You may also have experienced some personal revelations about who you are, and you’re ready to show the world a more authentic version of yourself. This may also coincide with you making a decision about an important relationship in your life.

Venus, the planet of blessings and relationships, enters Libra on August 29. The next few weeks bring lucky news your way. People are eager to collaborate with you. This is also a great time to learn new skills, go viral, or even go back to school. People want to support your ideas, so don’t be shy in asking for help!


virgo astrology symbol with images of the earth and tarot cards on an orange-colored background

No more people-pleasing required, Virgo, thanks to the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26. You’re ready to recommit to yourself, your authenticity, and projects and goals that leave you feeling proud of yourself. You may set boundaries with some important people in your life and remind them that you’re living your life for you, not to appease anyone else. You could also make some exciting progress on a personal goal you set for yourself earlier this month.

Pay attention to your dreams and the odd synchronicities that pop up throughout your day when Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28. Strange dreams and coincidences may feel like omens and, well, they are! Breakthroughs can also come during a meditative or spiritual practice.

Your financial prospects might get a nudge in the right direction thanks to Venus moving into Libra on August 29. This is an auspicious time to apply for jobs and put yourself out there. You also get a little boost in your own self-esteem. Remember what sets you and your work apart from the crowd.


libra astrology symbol with black and white images of flowers and the lady of justice on pink background

You’re ready to prioritize your well-being, Libra, under the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26. You know that nourishing your body, soul, and mind will give you the energy to go after what you want. This may also coincide with a moment of surrender as you’re recognizing who and what you’re ready to release from your life.

Drama in your social circle begins to fade once Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28. You know who to invest your time, love, and energy into moving forward. If you’ve stalled on some of your goals, you may also finally feel like you have a path forward that you want to pursue.

You’re the main character of the zodiac starting August 29 when Venus, the planet of relationships and blessings, enters your sign! This can be a lucky time to make progress on personal goals, experience a glow-up, or even date. Right now, the Universe has your best interests at heart—so put yourself out there.


scorpio astrology symbol on purple background with images of coins and tarot cards

You’re more aware that your resources are finite, Scorpio, thanks to the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26. Moving forward, you know exactly how you want to spend your time and energy, which projects light you up, and which friends are deserving of your boundless love. It’s time to go all-in on making one of your biggest dreams come true.

You’re making an important decision about your life path and where you’re headed next once Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28. Drama within your close relationships also begins to clear up, and you’re feeling more self-assured about the next chapter in your life.

If it’s not a soulmate type of love, you don’t want it once Venus enters Libra on August 29. You want someone who accepts and loves all of you–even your flaws and parts of yourself you reject from time to time. Personally, this is also a reminder that solitude can sometimes be the most productive thing. Your next big idea could come through while showering, going on a solo walk, or during a meditation session.


sagittarius astrology symbol on dark purple background with images of a map and a rose

Closure can bring up feelings of relief and grief, Sagittarius, under the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26. You may choose to divest in a relationship, or perhaps a contract is ending. This process can feel disappointing as you walk away from what once was, but think of yourself as ready to embrace the unknown.

You’re feeling hopeful once Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28. You could have a conversation that leaves you feeling at peace, or maybe you learn some lucky news. If you’ve felt confused about where you’re headed next or how to get there, a plan may also begin to form.

You’re getting by with a little help from your friends once Venus enters Libra on August 29. You’re in a more social mood and are feeling grateful for spending your time with people who make you feel seen and appreciated. You’re hopping from event to event, and may also be more focused on making exciting strides toward your long-term goals.


capricorn astrology symbol on green background with images of saturn and a grecian statue

You’re feeling inspired and ready to try something new, Capricorn, when Venus in Virgo mingles with Uranus in Taurus on August 27. News you learn today leaves you feeling hopeful and grateful. People are eager to support your ideas right now, so share your gifts and talents with a wider audience.

Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28, and you’re feeling some relief with your finances. Maybe an unexpected check clears and you’re feeling more financially secure. Emotionally, this retrograde’s end can mark a moment of catharsis. Now is the time to release the past, as well as that pesky urge to give too much to others without accepting help back in return.

Your hard work is finally getting the recognition it deserves once Venus enters Libra on August 29. You could be up for a raise or promotion, or maybe your website starts getting more views and traction. This can also bring a little extra luck to whatever you’re trying to manifest and accomplish.


aquarius astrology symbol on a red background with images of flower leaves and an urn

Careful with your credit card, Aquarius, when Venus in Virgo stares down Neptune in Pisces on August 28. This is not the best day to make big purchases or to do anything drastic with your finances. Work assignments or negotiations may also feel a little bit more vague today. Wait for the energy to dissipate before you commit to any new agreements or contracts. Emotionally, you might feel like you’re riding an emotional wave and revisiting the past. Give yourself time to grieve and release, as necessary.

Fortunately, some drama in your close relationships eases up once Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on the same day. You may also finally feel like you’re back on track with a romantic partner or business collaborator. It’s also possible you’ve decided to walk away from connections that left you feeling less than inspired or appreciated.

You’re booked and busy once Venus enters Libra on August 29. The next few weeks you might book some travel, or just feel like taking more risks in general. You’re eager to soak up lived experiences. You’re also likely to get some good news over the next few weeks.


pisces astrology symbol on yellow background with images of tarot cards and fish

A core relationship is evolving, Pisces, and while change can be scary, you know this shift is necessary under the last quarter moon in Gemini on August 26. Maybe you’re letting go of someone, or perhaps a relationship with a BFF or a lover is entering a new chapter. You may also make an important decision that affects your close relationships, like deciding to move or spending more time with family.

Your daily shuffle finally starts to slow down once again when Mercury retrograde in Leo ends on August 28. If you’ve felt like you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, you’re ready to ask for some help or to step away from more stressful commitments. You may also choose to integrate a new habit into your everyday life that helps you feel more grounded and supported.

Trust and intimacy in your relationships are top of mind once Venus enters Libra on August 29. Some of your close relationships grow deeper as you share parts of yourself you typically keep hidden. You may also have to contend with the occasional feeling of jealousy, too, over the next few weeks. Practically, this can also bring some financial opportunities your way.

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