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Any residual full moon hangover should be quickly cured by the zesty-as-hell astro vibe this Tuesday. With romantic Venus and joyful Jupiter squaring off and the moon now in flashy Leo, we can lean into love—of ourselves and of others. Be intentional about finding your sweet spots, even if you have a busy day of work, errands, or obligations. Take five or ten minutes to indulge in pure, unadulterated fun with no responsibilities attached. Your daily horoscope reminds you that pleasure is medicine, and there is always time for what feels good.
Looking for even more astrology insights? Read your January 2025 horoscope and your full 2025 romance horoscope.
March 21–April 19
Venus and Jupiter pleasantly heighten the tensions between your dream and communication zones today, Aries. This can bring your fantasies out from the hidden corners of your psyche and help you articulate them, whether for your own edification or to share them with a partner. Either way, it’s great to know what you want!
April 20–May 20
With your planetary ruler Venus and luck planet Jupiter locked in a hot tango today, you might feel very social and also very sexy. The only problem is that this can make you spendy AF, Taurus, so be careful not to pull out your credit card too many times. Do go out with friends and have fun, but don’t put everything on your tab or order a round for the people at the next table.
May 21–June 20
Auspicious Jupiter has been in your sign for the long haul (well, since last May), and as it enjoys some attention from love planet Venus today, you might feel super confident, Gemini. This is particularly helpful for your professional profile. If you wanna get noticed by higher-ups, put your work in front of them ASAP.
June 21–July 22
With Venus and Jupiter flirting hard with one another from your adventure zone to your dream sector, your fantasy life is alive and kicking, Cancer. If you’ve had a crush on someone for a while, you might be unable to contain it. If you’re already partnered, you should feel unencumbered about sharing your fantasies with them and they with you.
July 23–August 22
Yowza, Leo. Not only is the moon in your very own sassy-as-hell stars today, but with sexy Venus and audacious Jupiter in a hot dialogue from your house of intimacy to your social zone, you’re probably feeling quite feisty. It’s giving Words with Friends, but taken to a whole new (very spicy) level.
August 23–September 22
The planet of luck and the planet of love are in a heated conversation from your career zone to your relationship realm today, Virgo. This can create a delicious tension between your professional goals and your partnerships. This might mean working with someone that you love, or developing a closer relationship with someone you already do business with. Either way, it looks lucrative.
September 23–October 22
Your planetary ruler Venus is in a square to lucky Jupiter at the moment, Libra, putting you in a particularly adventurous frame of mind. With your daily activities zone and your house of new experiences activated, you might have an opportunity to do something you’ve never experimented with before, with delightful results.
October 23–November 21
With Venus and Jupiter on a competitive yet very sexy date today, your love life is lit up like neon fireworks. Both your house of pleasure and play and your sexuality sector are activated by these planetary placements, Scorpio, so catch this spectacular astrology while it’s hot to go.
November 22–December 21
Your planetary ruler Jupiter faces off with sweet Venus, the planet of love, Sagittarius. With your home zone and relationship sector lit up by this cosmic pairing, you can tap into some serious domestic pleasure, whether you’re single or partnered. Maybe it’s just about zhuzhing up your place, or maybe it’s about inviting your lover over—or both.
December 22–January 19
Venus and Jupiter are getting into it today, Capricorn , and your communication and work zones are the recipients of this lucky, lovely energy. You can use this to bring a sense of sweetness and balance to your daily schedule and to have easy conversations that boost your self-confidence, whether business or pleasure-related.
January 20–February 18
It’s a great day for your bank account, Aquarius. Venus, the planet of attraction and cash, is in your financial zone winking aggressively at lucky Jupiter in your creativity sector. In short, your ideas can be quite lucrative. Just thinking about potential avenues of entrepreneurship at this key moment can eventually lead you to something solid.
February 19–March 20
With Venus in your own stars, where she is at her very best, you’re at the start of something deliciously sweet over the next few weeks and months, Pisces. And in even better news, today this transit is amplified by luck planet Jupiter in your home zone, bringing some of that burgeoning goodness directly into your humble abode.
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