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Eclipse season is in full swing (!) and comes to a dramatic crescendo on October 2 at 2:49 p.m. ET, under the new moon solar eclipse in Libra. Solar eclipses mark a season of fated change and typically coincide with new beginnings in our lives. However, in order to create space for new opportunities or connections, an ending of sorts is usually also co-present.

Coming through in the sign of Libra, these fresh starts highlight our closest ties and the reciprocity in our connections. People you meet around this time can feel fated or karmic, and if you choose to walk away from a relationship that has run its course, it can also feel “meant to be”—even if it stings. Libra is often associated with seeking balance, knowing your values, standing up for what is just, and having a creative mind. There may be a decision that you have to make under this eclipse, urging you to weigh the pros and the cons. Since this is an eclipse, it can feel like whichever direction you decide to take will alter the trajectory of your life in a significant way.

There may be some rough waters you need to navigate or issues you need to confront in your important relationships.

This is also a powerful time to reconnect with your voice and reflect on your values. Are you living according to your personal value system and taking aligned action daily? Or do you just have an idea of what you feel is right and let it live in your mind? Libra is a cardinal sign, which is all about initiating and forward movement. Here, you can merge your ideas and values with your words and actions to fight for what is just.

This band of the zodiac wheel can evoke feelings of discomfort or disappointment—but know that this is kind of the point! It’s in this section of the zodiac that we make commitments, through thick and thin, good and bad, sickness and health. There may be some rough waters you need to navigate or issues you need to confront in your important relationships—be it with roommates, a lover, business partner, or family member. After all, pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone and choosing to show up and fight for your relationship is an act of devotion and an ultimate expression of your unwavering commitment and love for another.

When is the solar eclipse in Libra?

The solar eclipse in Aries takes place on October 2 at 2:49 p.m. ET.

What is the astrological meaning of a new moon solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse happens during the new moon phase, when the sun and the moon are in the same zodiac sign, and the moon sits directly between the Earth and the sun. What distinguishes a solar eclipse from any typical new moon is the fact that the moon is also located on the same horizontal plane as the Earth, thus moving directly in front of the sun from our vantage point.

The location of the moon right along the path of the Earth’s orbit during a solar eclipse also places it either the south or north lunar node (i.e., invisible points in the sky associated in astrology with fate and destiny). In turn, a solar eclipse is thought to bring about fated occurrences, redirecting our path or bringing us in touch with people that may play a significant or serendipitous role in our lives.

More specifically, solar eclipses are associated with fresh chapters and new beginnings, given their occurrence at the new moon phase. Simultaneously, they can set off a period of surrender and letting go, in order to create room for the newness. Exactly how or in what area of life these changes occur depends on the zodiac sign where the eclipse is located (which changes with the lunar nodes, about every 18 months).

What can you expect from the new moon solar eclipse in Libra in October 2024?

This year’s new moon solar eclipse in Libra encourages you to ditch the people-pleasing and engage in conflict with tact. The sun and moon sit next to Mercury in Libra, aka the planet of the mind. Eclipses are notorious for revealing information or obscuring facts, so it’s possible that you experience a revelation or even feel like there’s more to a story that’s unfolding. With Mercury in such close proximity to the sun’s powerful rays, conversations may also take place in secret, or you may want to keep a sudden epiphany or next bright idea to yourself for the moment. And think twice before engaging in gossip: Karma can come back to bite you right now.

At the time of the eclipse, the sun and moon will also be inching toward a tense square with Mars in Cancer, kicking up disagreements and discord in your close relationships. You may need to set boundaries or face an issue or conflict head on. With Mars involved, you may also feel more energized or pressured to make a decision when dealing with drama. Mars in Cancer is all about protecting those you love and your sense of security. And, if any of those feel threatened under this eclipse, you’ll be ready to fire back. People can be more reactive and quick tempered, so find a healthy outlet for your anger or excess energy if possible.

Fortunately, after the moon meets with Mars, it’s on its way to gentle Jupiter in Gemini, which offers support and optimism. Solutions, possibilities, and alternative approaches present themselves once you face your fears and engage with a reality check. You may also find it easier to discuss boundaries, commitments, and expectations in your professional and personal life without feeling defensive.

To get a clearer picture of how this karmic energy will affect you during the 2024 solar eclipse in Aries, read on for your sun, moon, and rising signs. Then, pick up a unique self-care practice to help you move through this lunation with a little more flow.

What will the 2024 new moon solar eclipse in Libra bring for every zodiac sign?


aries zodiac sign symbol on graphic background with the moon and clouds

Are you ready to commit, Aries? The new moon solar eclipse activates your seventh house of one-on-one partnerships and contracts. People you meet under these skies feel fated and karmic. Some connections that have run their course may end, while new and significant people can enter your life. Whether you’re ready to take the next step in a romantic relationship or business partnership, this can be a fruitful time to discuss commitment. In order to get on the same page as someone else, you may need to clear up any simmering resentment or address boundaries that have been crossed in the past.

Your new moon self-care practice

Have the uncomfortable conversation you’ve been avoiding. Addressing any sources of frustration now will show your partners how committed you are to your shared future.


taurus astrology symbol on graphic background with the full moon and clouds

You’re ready to put a plan into motion, Taurus. The solar eclipse lands in your sixth house of habits, routine, and responsibilities. There may be an idea you want to pursue, or maybe you’ve decided to sign up for a course or commit to learning something new. Whatever you’re ready to tackle, it’s changing up your daily routine and structure. You’re incorporating something new into your everyday life. This is also a powerful time to kick bad habits, and also wrap up an ongoing obligation or project that’s left you feeling exhausted or underappreciated. Take time for rest or relaxation, Taurus.

Your new moon self-care practice

Practice saying no to others. Your time is limited and your schedule is jam-packed. This eclipse wants to give you a crash course on protecting your peace and prioritizing your needs and wellbeing in the process.


gemini astrology symbol on graphic blue background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You’re ready to celebrate, Gemini! The new moon solar eclipse travels through your fifth house of creativity, joy, hobbies, romance, and pleasure. You could also make a decision about a romantic or creative partnership. Ask yourself if this is a connection where you want to continually invest energy, or are you ready to take the next step? A passion project could also reach its final form, or maybe you’re gaining attention for your talents and standing out in your field. You might also become more aware of the relationship between your leisure time and your finances, especially if you’re spending beyond your means. It may be time to put a budget in place, Gemini.

Your new moon self-care practice

Pick up a hobby that your inner teen has always wanted to try. Be proactive with making space in your schedule to engage in activities that bring you back to the present moment and help cultivate more joy in your life.


cancer astrology symbol on graphic blue background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

There’s changes on the homefront, Cancer. The new moon solar eclipse lands in your fourth house of home, family, foundations, and the past. Maybe you’re ready to manifest your dream home, or consider a big move, or find new roommates. There may also be some tension brewing between you and your chosen family. This is a powerful time to push back and defend your beliefs and desires, even if it upsets others in your life. You may also need to set boundaries with loved ones or make a personal decision that feels fated in some way.

Your new moon self-care practice

Do a donation cleanse of your home and your belongings. Our possessions hold an energetic signature and can carry past memories. If there are items in your home that remind you of people or situations you’re ready to release, do so. Know that you’re making space for new opportunities and people to find you.


leo astrology symbol on blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

Your limiting beliefs are trying to get the best of you, Leo. The new moon solar eclipse moves through your third house of the mind, communication, ideas, and learning. This energy is powerful for changing the way you speak to yourself and what you believe about yourself. There may also be an idea or thought that you want to act on or express. New contracts may also pop up, and this can also bring fated changes to some of your relationships with siblings, extended family, or BFFs. There may also be something new you want to learn, and perhaps you feel ready to take that risk and sign up for a class or workshop to hone a new skill.

Your new moon self-care practice

Grab a pen and paper and start journaling. Getting all your feelings, thoughts, and beliefs out of your head and in one place on a piece of paper can help you sort through what is fact and what is fiction.


virgo astrology symbol on blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You’re exploring new ways to support yourself, Virgo. The new moon solar eclipse lands in your second house of income, possessions, and work. A job or contract may come to an end, or maybe you’re ready to launch a side business or a personal website. There is momentum to chase after your dreams today, and you want to start earning money in ways that feel meaningful and aligned with your values and who you are. You may also want to reflect on whether or not you feel appreciated for what you contribute to your job. If not, it could be time to consider alternative professional opportunities. Remember, Virgo: You shouldn’t have to convince anyone of your worth and value.

Your new moon self-care practice

Treat yourself (within reason)! Whether it’s ordering in your favorite meal or finally splurging on an item you’ve had your eye on, you work hard for your money. If you have the means, consider buying yourself a little somethin’ to reward and honor all your hard work and effort.


libra astrology symbol on a blue graphic background with the full moon, stars, and clouds

You’re the main character, Libra! The new moon solar eclipse activates your first house of self, identity, relationships, and new beginnings. You’re feeling energized and confident to embody a more authentic version of yourself. As you show up more fully as yourself, it may affect your close relationships. Some may not understand this version of you and miss who you once were. Trust that if any relationships end, that’s on them, and it’s their loss. Don’t let anyone else’s opinion affect who you want to be or what dreams you want to chase after. It’s also possible that new, karmic connections enter your life, whether it’s a work contract or a potential long-term lover. This is a powerful day to make a new promise and commitment to yourself.

Your new moon self-care practice

Think about the future version of yourself, Libra. What aspect of your future life can you incorporate into your present life? For example, does the future version of you wake up and doomscroll on social media? Or do they get out of bed, drink a glass or water, and stretch first thing in the morning? Make small tweaks in your routine to close the gap between the present and the future you desire.


graphic of the scorpio astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

An epiphany is on its way, Scorpio. The new moon solar eclipse travels through your 12th house of subconscious, closure, rest, and intuition. You’re able to understand yourself better and are ready to own up to ways in which you contribute to your own self-sabotage. This is a powerful time for acceptance, healing, surrendering, and letting go. You’re finally ready to break bad habits and embark on a different path forward. You may also experience waves of grief as you’re closing out a cycle, letting go of someone, or moving on from a situation that no longer serves you. This can leave you feeling tender and exhausted, so carve out time for rest.

Your new moon self-care practice

Take a catnap and slow down. Eclipse season isn’t the time to pressure yourself to check everything off your to-do list, Scorpio. Sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is absolutely nothing. Let yourself recharge before you spread yourself too thin.


graphic of the sagittarius astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

Are you working toward a dream or chasing a fantasy, Sagittarius? The new moon solar eclipse lands in your 11th house of aspirations, community, friendships, and allies. It’s possible that a goal you’ve worked toward reaches a notable milestone. This can also help you gain attention for your work and your ideas. Your fans—and the right allies—are taking notice of what you have to offer. You may also come to a realization about a goal or dream you once had. Perhaps it no longer feels aligned, or it may be necessary to confront a few of your insecurities before you can make progress on your vision.

Your new moon self-care practice

Think about some of your long-term goals, and give yourself some milestones and deadlines to aim for. If you feel like you’ve been stagnant, creating structure around your desire can help speed up its arrival in the tangible world.


graphic of the capricorn astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

Take a deep breath and let it all out, Capricorn. The new moon solar eclipse moves through your tenth house of public life, honors, and life path. You’re wearing your emotions on your sleeve today, and this is an important time to address the feelings you’ve avoided. There can be tension that stems from both your personal relationships and professional life. Perhaps your partner gets laid off of work, or maybe you’re taking on a new project that requires you to work longer hours. You may also realize that you’re feeling called to pursue another career path altogether. You deserve to follow your desires, even if they aren’t what someone else would choose for you.

Your new moon self-care practice

Reflect on your relationship with people-pleasing. When it comes to your five-year plan or your immediate goals, how many of them are influenced by paternal figures in your life or by others around you? Take some time to journal and see if you can identify where you need to recenter yourself and your dreams.


graphic of the aquarius astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

Boundaries aren’t fun, but they’re necessary, Aquarius. The new moon solar eclipse activates your ninth house of travel, learning, communication, and perspective. Conversations today can feel high stakes. It’s very possible someone is trying to add more responsibilities to your life, and you’ll have to think very carefully before agreeing to taking on a new commitment. A boss might recommend you for a project that feels taxing or grueling, or maybe a loved one needs extra help or care, and it would mean you have to sacrifice more of your freedom. You may also make an important decision regarding school or travel, or learn something that opens up your mind to others’ perspectives and possibilities.

Your new moon self-care practice

Try something new, Aquarius. Whether it’s reading a book about a subject that’s always interested you, or trying a new restaurant in your neighborhood, or testing out a different route during your evening walk, opening your mind up to new experiences can fill you with fresh ideas and inspiration.


graphic of the pisces astrology symbol on blue background with the full moon, clouds, and stars

Your finances are on your mind, Pisces. The new moon solar eclipse travels through your eighth house of shared resources, debts, vulnerability, and your fears. A job or contract may end, or maybe you’re ready to explore a new opportunity you’ve been presented with. It’s also possible you’re tired of supporting yourself in your current profession, and maybe you’re left wondering when a passion project or side hustle will finally take off.

If you’ve been a little too lax with your credit card, now is the time to set a budget and stick with it. Emotionally, this can also kick up feelings of jealousy or envy. You may need to address some of the feelings you’ve avoided or pay closer attention to who in your life is genuinely rooting for you and who is there for you when you need them most.

Your new moon self-care practice

Cultivate a gratitude practice. List 10 things you’re grateful for every morning and every evening. Instead of just racing through the list, take time after writing each item to feel the gratitude in your body (you can visualize a warm, bright light emanating from your heart space). Embodying your gratitude is one of the quickest ways for the Universe to send you more of it.

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